“When technology meets talent, the outcomes are sure to be
IEEE Student Branch,The IEEE Student Branch Government Engineering College Barton Hill is the brainchild of an energetic and dedicated team whose boundless passion for innovation is truly remarkable. Their exceptional commitment has produced numerous accomplished professionals who have made significant contributions to the tech industry. Since its inception in 2005, the Student Branch has continually impressed, always raising the bar with each milestone achieved. In the year 2022 alone, they have been honored with the IEEE MGA Regional Exemplary

Student Branch Award, the IEEE R10 Outstanding Student Branch Award, and the prestigious Darrel Chong Student Activity Award in the Gold Category for their annual mega flagship event, Exordium. Adding to their list of achievements, three of their volunteers were recognized by the IEEE India Council as Outstanding IEEE Professional Volunteer, Outstanding IEEE WIE Volunteer, and Outstanding IEEE Student Volunteer. These recognitions serve as a testament to the exceptional dedication and hard work of the IEEE SB GECBH team.
The IEEE student branch in GECBH at present has active chapters of
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group
IEEE Special Interest Group in Humanitarian Activities (SIGHT)
Executive Committee
Counselor : Prof. Josna V R (Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology)
Chair : Goutham Rajesh (gouthamrajesh@ieee.org | +91 90742 15043)
Secretary : Raihana Alam P A (raihana.alam1511@ieee.org | +91 90371 42644)
Vice Chair : Devanarayanan S V (devanarayanansv@ieee.org | +91 94958 61692)
To know more about us, visit our official website