The following are the laboratory facilities of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department.
Electronic Circuits Lab
Electronics Circuits lab is well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and test their analog/ digital/ mixed signals, digital circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab technicians.
Digital Electronics Lab
The Digital Lab is well equipped with all the trainer kits and measuring instruments for the proper setting up of different Digital circuits and experiment. An IC tester is also available in the lab for testing of ICs.
Electronic Circuits Lab
Electronics Circuits lab is well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and test their analog/ digital/ mixed signals, digital circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab technicians.
Communication Engineering Lab

Communication Engineering laboratory focuses on training the students in both analog and digital transmission/reception of signals. The students start with experiments on analog systems like amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase modulation. A mini AM transmitter is constructed by them in the MW frequency of electromagnetic spectrum and they do a live transmission with minimum power output. The signals are then received in a pocket AM radio. Learning the concepts, with small applications give them plenty of joy and real motivation towards their studies. The other important area of analog signal processing is the phase locked loop. Students are given NE 565 PLL IC and made to conduct an experiment to find the capture and lock ranges with their designed specifications. Here the students make use of function generators with frequency sweep facility.
Fiber Optics And Photonics Research Lab

The Fiber Optics and Photonics Research Lab was established in the year 2012. Apart from catering the needs of the under graduate students to carry out their UG level experiments, the lab is equipped with facilities to accommodate PG students and research scholars. Significant number of publications in SCI indexed journals have emerged from the lab in the recent past.
Ongoing research work
1. Optisystem V13.0 Simulation Software with 3 user license.
2. Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier with accessories
For UG students
The optical communication laboratory is setup to complement the topics studied in the optical communication theory course. The lab is equipped with fiber optic trainer kits and modules to enable the study of components of an optical communication system. The students perform experiments to study the characteristics of optical sources (LED & LD) and optical detectors (LD & APD) and optical fibers. Fault detection in a fiber link is studied using the OTDR module. A FSO module enables study of transmission of optical signal in free space. Optiwave simulator is also available in the lab which is an optical communication simulator.
Microwave LabIn Microwave Lab the students are exposed to the microwave active devices like klystron, gunn diode and passive devices isolator, circulator, slide screw tunner, magic tee, directional coupler, horn antenna, attenuator, terminations. The students perform all the experiments as prescribed by the university.
Micro Controller/VLSI/Embedded Systems LabMicrocontroller lab helps the students enhance their knowledge about various processors such as 8085, 8086, microcontrollers, Pentium processors and also the interfacing of these processors with other equipments. Students from other branch of engineering and sciences also come to this lab and develop their skills in the field of microprocessor and its applications. The features and facilities available in this lab will help the students do their projects and enhance their knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.
The VLSI and Embedded Systems Lab provides all the hardware and software resources useful for laboratory experiments related to various core and elective courses, such as: Digital Design, Computer Organization, Embedded System Design, VLSI Design, VLSI Sub-system Design etc.
Nanotechnology is a fast growing area with its application in various fields including electronics. A research lab is being set up for carrying out research projects for UG, PG and research students. The lab at present houses various equipments including sonicator, hot plates, muffled furnace, bench top cooling centrifuge and magnetic stirrers. The various ongoing projects here are synthesis of nanocomposites for various electronic applications, fabrication of solar cells, Synthesis and characterization of CNT based nanocomposites and their application in solar cells. Prof. Nelsa Abraham is leading this initiative.
Electronics Workshop/Project LabThe Workshop is sufficiently outfitted with all the equipments and accessories for conducting practical classes in wiring practices as per BIS specifications. Models of modern switchgear and wiring accessories are deployed for the benefit of the students. The electronic side deals with the familiarization of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO), Bread board connections, PCBs and Soldering station. The students are exposed to the current practices in domestic wiring and industrial installation.
Testing and measuring facilities for doing mini project and project for the under graduate students are also provided in this lab.